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Turn your Custom Data into AI Assistant

Create AI-powered Q&A Chatbots and knowledge bases from various data sources (PDF, TXT, JSON, Webpage, CSV, VIDEO,...)

RAG as a Service

Powerful Features to Elevate Your AI Experience

Ragcy provides a comprehensive suite of tools that allow you to create AI-driven Q&A chatbot solutions tailored to your business needs.

burger illustration
AI Search Tool

Create powerful AI search tools to find information quickly from your data sources.

burger illustration
AI Knowledge Base

Build comprehensive AI-powered knowledge bases that understand and retrieve data efficiently.

burger illustration
AI Chatbot

Develop interactive AI chatbots for customer service, support, and more.

burger illustration
AI Questions & Answers

Create AI-driven Q&A systems that provide accurate answers to user queries.

Create and Manage Corpus

Create and manage data collection for various categories including AI Q&A chatbots, AI search engines and AI knowledge bases Customize and optimize your datasets to suit your specific needs.
Corpus Creation

Import and Train Data Sources

Import data from diverse sources such as web pages, text files, PDFs, and more. Train your AI models with this data to ensure they are well-equipped to handle specific tasks and queries.
Data sources

Chat with your data

Engage directly with your data using a chatbot interface. You can easily integrate the chatbot on your website or interact with your data using the built-in playground.

  • Integrating Chatbot on Your Website:
    Seamlessly embed the chatbot into your site, allowing users to interact with your data directly.

  • Using Playground:
    Test and interact with your data in a user-friendly playground environment, making it easy to explore and understand.
Chat with Data sources

API Access or Node.js package

Access your AI-powered tools programmatically through our API or use the Node.js package to integrate them directly into your applications. This flexibility allows for easy and efficient integration with your existing tech stack.
corpus query

Working process

Discover the powerful working process of Ragcy that enable seamless creation and integration of AI-driven Q&A tools. Our platform offers a comprehensive suite of functionalities to enhance your AI chatbot without the need for complex coding or vector databases.

Effortlessly pull data from various sources.
Embebding and Encodding
Transform your data into AI-friendly formats.
Chunking and indexing
Organize your data for quick access and retrieval
Quickly find the information you need.

🎉 Ragcy Launch Offer – Unlock Unlimited AI Power! 🎉

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